Green Steel
Interpipe is a benchmark for green steel in Ukraine. Back in 2012, a few years before the European Green Deal emerged, the Company made the largest environmental investment in the Ukrainian industry, investing $ 1 billion in the construction of the innovative electric steel-making complex Interpipe Steel, while closing the outdated environmentally dirty open-hearth production.
Nowadays there are three steelmaking technologies in the world: open-hearth, oxygen-converter and electric steelmaking. The largest level of CO2 emissions is generated by open-hearth furnaces - on average 2500 kg per 1 ton of steel. CO2 emissions during steel smelting by the oxygen-converter method are slightly less, but still remain at the level of 1800-2000 kg CO2. At the same time, the emissions of electrometallurgy range from 100 to 300 kg of CO2. Thus, as of now, only electric furnaces are the most realistic way to meet the Green Deal standards.
Interpipe Steel was built in accordance with all the strictest environmental requirements of the European Union. The new plant made it possible to reduce CO2 emissions by 10 times, the consumption of natural gas by 8 times, and harmful substances by 2.5 times.
A closed cycle of water supply system has been built at Interpipe Steel, which makes it possible to completely exclude the discharge of industrial wastewater into the Dnieper River. The plant takes water to feed the system, purifies it and reuses it.

Emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere are also excluded. The plant has ultramodern gas and dust cleaning systems that efficiently collects gas and dust generated during steel production. The dust is deposited in filters and then granulated. As a result, purified gases are released.
To constantly monitor these parameters, Interpipe built an atmospheric air monitoring post on the border of the sanitary zone of the enterprise and transferred it to the balance of the city municipality. These and many other highly effective technologies for environmental protection allow minimizing the negative impact of production on the environmental situation in the region.
It is significant that in the tourist center of Italy, the city of Udine (10 km from Venice), there is a steelmaking plant, which is an absolute analogue of Interpipe Steel. It does not scare off tourists and does not affect the environment. Therefore, today Interpipe Steel is a benchmark not only for the further development of the national green steel, but also for a large-scale environmental transformation of the entire economy of Ukraine.